Our Success Stories
Double the number of positive reviews, reduce service requests, collect additional touchpoints, avoid returns and boost your store sales. With PAQATO you offer your customers the best customer experience after their purchase.
More than 2,000 shops, such as Otto, KoRo and ROSE Bikes, are already delighting customers and their teams with post purchase communication on the package journey.
Customers elevating their business thanks to PAQATO
- Performance Champion Tijana Stokic, Head of Marketing at Monsterzeug.deMakes 29,000 Monster customers happy every day with PAQATO in Peak times.
- Moneymaker Fabian Bentz, CEO of ZahnheldTurns marketplace customers into shop customers. “For me, PAQATO is the best solution to bring tooth-held followers from marketplaces into your own store.”
- Gamechanger Daniela Isfort, CEO of ISFORT GruppeISFORT achieves 50% fewer returns with PAQATO through proactive recipient information.