Performance Champion Tijana Stokic, Head of Marketing at

Makes 29,000 Monster customers happy every day with PAQATO in Peak times.

Monsterzeug ships up to 29,000 packages a day during peak times. While the fulfillment partner takes care of the logistics, the marketing team monitors the automated post purchase communication and shipment tracking with PAQATO.

PAQATO brings the desired relief for the support team. Customer satisfaction after completed purchase has also increased, as Monsterzeug customers can track where their package is. A survey shows that 80 percent of customers are very satisfied with the post purchase communication. The branding of the shipment status emails shows customers that the company remains their point of contact during the shipping process. Instead of handing customers over to the mail order provider, the e-commerce company can accompany them to the end of the customer journey. PAQATO’s service has also created new customer touchpoints.